Tuesday 14 June 2011

Beauty Byte: Feeling Closer with Nivea

NIVEA is celebrating its 100th birthday with its Feel Closer campaign, and to find out just how close we are in this new decade of iPads, Facebook and smartphones, has commissioned research by UK psychologist Geoff Beattie - and the results are good.
In spite of all the new technology at our disposal, we are in fact closer than ever to our friends and families. That can only be a positive sign for the future of our health, relationships and overall wellbeing. Research has even shown that not staying connected to those we're close to can be physically bad for you, as closeness with others can help to lower our blood pressure and stress levels and improve our mental health. If we have strong support networks in the form of friends and family, we may be less likely to turn to vices such as drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes, and have the self-esteem boost from our relationships to motivate us to care about our health. The built-up stress over the years as a result of a lonely life can also even accelerate ageing - so it even comes down to beauty, too, as to the effects of friendship and closeness on our health. All the more reason then for Nivea, one of the world's best-known beauty companies, to get involved!
You can therefore show just how close to your nearest and dearest you are by participating in Nivea's A Million Moments of Closeness campaign - upload photos of you with them to www.facebook.com/niveauk from the comfort of your own home, or look out for Nivea's roadshows where travelling photo booths will enable you to upload photos to the campaign more interactively and just as instantly. And there's more benefit than just the feel-good factor: every day Geoff Beattie will choose his picture of the day, with the winner receiving £100 as a prize. What's more, you can debate online via Nivea's pages about whether long-distance relationships can work (I say they can!), whether a text can really take the place of a face-to-face chat, and more. Now that's what we call valuing closeness.

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